The WI-AIMH Mission:
WI-AIMH strives to promote infant mental health through building awareness, promoting professional capacity, fostering partnerships and supporting policies which are in the best interest of infants, young children and their families.
The WI-AIMH Vision:
All Wisconsin infants and young children will reach their fullest potential through nurturing and consistent relationships within the context of family, community, and culture.
What Is WI-AIMH?
Established in 2001, the Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of social-emotional learning and relationship-based practices through raising public awareness, providing resources for professional development, and advocating for policies that are in the best interest of infants, young children, and their families.
What Is Infant Mental Health?
Infant mental health is synonymous with healthy social and emotional development, all within the context of family, community, and cultural expectations for young children, and defined as the developing capacity of a child from birth to age 5 to:
Experience, regulate and express emotions
Form close and secure interpersonal relationships
Explore the environment and learn
Quick Links
Healthy Minds Healthy Children Administrative Report
Click the links below for facts, updates and reporting on HMHC’s inaugural program year!
News & Events
Membership Registration is OPEN!
Individual Membership - $60 (per person)
Group Membership (of 4 or more) - $45 (per person)
Click Here to Register!
Visit the Membership page here.
Membership runs from the date you register till Dec. 31st.
WI-AIMH Mental Health Micro-Learning Videos on YouTube
Check out WI-AIMH’s newly released micro-learning videos to learn more about core concepts and practices in infant and early childhood mental health. Click here to view the playlist!
Get Involved!
Interested in obtaining Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health-Endorsement®? Sign up to learn more about which Endorsement® category may be right for you, or get connected with our Endorsement staff!
Become a Member
Members receive discounts on registration to our annual conference and news and updates about professional development and training opportunities throughout WI.
Make a Donation
WI-AIMH is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Help support healthy social and emotional development for all Wisconsin children by making a donation today!