HMHC - A Year in Review
We did it! WI-AIMH is excited to share a year in review of our inaugural Healthy Minds Healthy Children program with you. Please see the documents below to learn more about the program and why we must continue our critical work to increase access to infant and early childhood mental health consultation within Early Care and Education and across the multiple systems supporting Wisconsin’s infants and young children. Together, we will continue strengthening the social, emotional, and mental health development and well-being of young children, families, professionals, and programs, creating stronger communities because Wisconsin thrives when our infants and young children thrive. *(Click the titles or images below to download the PDFs.)
**If you experience difficulties accessing the documents below, please try clicking here to download documents, or
contact Corey Robak-Klein, HMHC Program Director, at
What is IECMHC
Why is IECMHC Effective?
IECMHC: Why it Matters
4 Levels of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
The IECMH Consultant addresses an individual child’s mental health, emotional well-being, or behavior concerns. The Consultant collaborates with professionals and family members to understand and respond effectively to a child’s needs. A parent or caregiver’s emotional well-being and mental health may be considered as the Consultant strives to increase adult capacity to support a child’s IMH.
Activities include:
Screening and assessment;
Gathering, sharing, and coordinating information and strategies
Guiding, supporting, reflecting
The IECMH Consultant addresses variables (attitudes, beliefs, biases, practices) that may be impacting relationships among professionals, children in their care, and their families. Collaborates with program staff and family members to promote equitable, warm, trusting relationships, consistent routines, and interactions that enhance development and positively impact classroom and home climates.
Activities include:
Co-developing plans and strategies
Supporting family engagement and partnerships
The IECMH Consultant provides support to improve the overall quality of the program by focusing on multiple issues affecting the quality, climate, and equity of an early childhood setting.
Activities include:
Providing reflective consultation and leadership support
Supporting policy and program initiatives to support the social and emotional learning of all children
Working to solve global issues that affect more than one child, family, or staff member
Developing and providing staff training and wellness activities
The IECMH Consultant assists organizations, systems, and communities to improve social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes through partnership, collaboration, and coordination.
Activities include:
Enhancing awareness of IECMH
Linking families, groups, and organizations
Supporting diversity, equity and inclusion
Advocating for community and family needs