Upcoming Pyramid Model Training

By Invitation Only -Pyramid Model Implementation Academy

for Programs that are engaged in or beginning Program-wide Implementation

Contact your PM Regional Lead with Questions

Starting coaching in infant / toddler classrooms?Register your Coach for TPITOS!

Teaching Pyramid Observation Scale

The Teaching Pyramid Infant Toddler Observation scale is the Pyramid Model tool for coaches to focus observation and provide feedback to teachers of babies and toddlers (ages Birth to 3). This will include a reliability check that ensures coaches can score the tool as intended, and use information to guide Practice Based Coaching in classrooms serving our youngest.
*Pre-training work needed: Coaches will receive the TPITOS materials and should review before the training.

VIRTUAL Training: January 28th and 29th, 2025
8:00 AM- 4:00 PM each day

$60 per person
$30 per person with scholarship for childcare programs

Starting coaching in preschool classrooms? Register your Coach for TPOT!

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool

The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool is the focused observation and feedback tool for teachers serving 2 ½ to 6 year old children. This training ensures coaches are “reliable” with the TPOT developers and able to use the TPOT to provide descriptive and constructive feedback to their coachees.

VIRTUAL Training: January 28th and 29th, 2025 (Virtual)
8:00AM to 4:00 PM each day

$70 per person
$35 per person with scholarship for childcare programs

Practice-based Coaching in Pyramid Model Programs

This training will introduce using the key elements of the Practice Based Coaching cycle as part of program-wide implementation. 

Key elements of the Practice Based Coaching cycle:

  1. Planning goals and action steps

  2. Engaging in focused observation

  3. Reflecting on and sharing feedback about teaching practices

VIRTUAL Training: February 4th and 5th, 2025(Virtual) 9:00AM- 4:00PM each day

$80 per person
$40 per person with scholarship for childcare programs

Team Launch (in person)

Your entire Leadership Team will attend a 2-day “Team Launch,” at the location that works best for you, to prepare teams to launch implementation of the Pyramid Model framework in their program. You’ll leave the launch with your initial implementation plan!

*Please contact your Regional Lead or Jenny Durand, Pyramid Model Co-Director for registration information

DATE TO BE DETERMINED: February 18th and 19th, 2025 8:30AM-4:30PM each day

WIAIMH Middleton office training room; 6213 Middleton Springs Drive, Suite 205

and monthly one-hour meetings to follow

$400 per team
$200 per team with scholarship for childcare programs

Includes lunch and materials

Orientation for new Data Coordinators (Virtual)

February 26th, 2025

9-11 Virtual check-in, questions and answers

New Data Coordinators Overview: Data Coordinators will learn about the Pyramid Model Implementation Data System (PIDS) and have time to enter data and pull reports within the system with support from the Wisconsin Pyramid Model Data Manager during the 2- hour VIRTUAL Data Coordinator’s Meeting.

Fee: No cost

Data Coordinator Updates

Current Data Coordinators will receive updates and support to set up classrooms, staff and child information in PIDS during important transition times for many programs.

Registration information to be shared via the email.

Fee: No cost

Fall Set UpAugust 28th9:00-11:00Virtual
Spring Clean UpApril 30th9:00-11:00Virtual

Statewide for All

Positive Solutions for Families

Is your community interested in offering Positive Solutions for Families? Contact us at pyramidmodel@wiaimh.org

This event will train facilitators to use the NCPMI Positive Solutions for Families content.  Facilitators will use the materials with families of preschools to promote understanding and use strategies that enhance social and emotional development in their children.

The Positive Solutions for Families content is designed to be delivered in 7 weeks of face to face parent networking sessions. The content aligns with Wisconsin’s Pyramid Model training for teachers.

Participants who complete the training can access reduced cost materials needed to facilitate PSF groups with families. 

This workshop session is for anyone who has:

  • responsibility for providing parent education to families of preschoolers and

  • availability to facilitate parent groups


Tuesday, April 29th and Wednesday, April 30th, 2025

8:30am to 3:00pm (both days)

in-person only

Location: Gan HaYeled Preschool 6434 Enterprise Ln, Madison, WI 53719

Fee: $295 $85
Fee includes light continental breakfast, lunch, and materials


Individualized Intervention

This professional development program provides content and resources to support the use of evidence-based problem solving to develop individualized social and emotional interventions for children ages 18 months to 8 years who are being cared for in Early Childhood Education settings.

While content addresses the “Intensive Intervention” tier of the Pyramid Model, discussion will focus on how and whether individualized support can be distinct from high quality universal and targeted practices promoted in Pyramid Model teacher training content. Specifically, this program will emphasize the intersection between function-based intervention and infant and early childhood mental health consultation.

Intended Audience

This program is designed for people who, working with teams, create and sustain individualized support for young children who exhibit behavior that challenges adults (e.g. home visitors, Head Start education directors/consultants, Birth to 3 teachers/therapists, early childhood special educators/therapists, school psychologists, mental health consultants or therapists.)

TENTATIVE: December 5th and 6th, 2024 This training has reached capacity

Location: : Gan HaYeled Preschool; 6434 Enterprise Lane; Madison, WI 53719

Fee: $45 per person (No fee for Be Heart community wide PM implementation sites)

*Fee includes light breakfast, lunch and materials

Registration Deadline: November 15th, 2024