2025 Membership

Information Coming Soon!


2024 Membership Information

Benefits of Membership

All professionals who work with or on behalf of infants, young children, and their families can benefit from WI-AIMH membership. By joining WI-AIMH, you will be able to connect with colleagues from different systems and disciplines, stay informed on professional development opportunities, receive reduced registration rates at WI-AIMH conferences, share your expertise and experience through submission of newsletter articles, and much more.
You can enjoy all the benefits of WI-AIMH membership, including:

  • Access to substantially discounted rates on WI-AIMH’s professional development events, including WI-AIMH’s highly rated annual Conference. (Hint:  The Conference discount alone more than pays for your annual membership!)

  • Special recognition at the annual conference, in the form of a button, ribbon, or similar item to distinguish you as a member.

  • Access to the IMH-Endorsement process by meeting one of the qualifications (membership in an IMH organization).  Further your Endorsement profile by joining or renewing your membership.  IMH-Endorsement recognizes your training and experience as an IMH professional

  • The ability to have a voice in recognizing excellence in the field of IMH by voting for the finalists of the Jim Ryan Award

  • Access to special members-only professional development events

  • Be the first to know about upcoming WI-AIMH-sponsored Reflective Supervision and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Groups

… and more!


Where is my WI-AIMH Membership card?

  1. When you complete your membership application, you receive an email confirmation from

  2. Download the attachment

If you register multiple people, each one should have a corresponding card. (All cards will be in the same attachment.)