Upcoming Professional Development Opportunity: Building Protective Factors for Youth Workshop

UW-Stevens Point Professional Development Workshop

 Building Protective Factors for Youth

A two-part training held Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI

1:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.

 Join us for these impactful workshops offered in partnership with the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center. These workshops are especially relevant for teachers, child care providers, social workers, nurses, youth advocates, clergy, and parents.

Part One: ACE Study: Adverse Childhood Experiences-Identify, Intervene, and Interrupt

Increase your knowledge of trauma and provide ways to work with children, families and communities to reduce the impact of trauma.

Part Two: Teachable Safety Skills for Professionals

Learn what works when talking to children and teens about personal safety, online/cell phone safety, and sexual abuse prevention

Presenter: Jane Straub, Victim Assistance Specialist, Jacob Wetterling Resource Center

Jane has been working in the violence prevention and intervention field for almost 20 years. She has had the opportunity to work with victim/survivors of all ages and their families as well as offenders. In addition to providing advocacy and support, Jane is a national trainer on topics such as domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking, trafficking, bullying/cyberbullying, reproductive coercion and impact of trauma (Ace Study).

 Cost to attend: Public/Professional Attendee: $65

UWSP Student Discount: $30

UWSP student discount made possible by a grant from the Home Economics Centennial Endowment.

Register now

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CEHs available from UW-Stevens Point


Questions?  Contact Continuing Education & Outreach at 715-346-3838.




Upcoming: Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation FAN Training


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